While TiPES has officially terminated, publications as results of the work within TiPES are still being published:
Fabiano, Federico, et al. “Multi-centennial evolution of the climate response and deep ocean heat uptake in a set of abrupt stabilization scenarios with EC-Earth3.” Earth System Dynamics (2024)
Ramirez, Jorge M., et al. “Probabilistic measures for biological adaptation and resilience.” Physical Review E 109.2 (2024): 024413.
Longo, Iacopo P., Carmen Núñez, and Rafael Obaya. “Critical transitions for scalar nonautonomous systems with concave nonlinearities: some rigorous estimates.” Nonlinearity 37.4 (2024): 045017.
Riechers, Keno, Georg Gottwald, and Niklas Boers. “Glacial abrupt climate change as a multiscale phenomenon resulting from monostable excitable dynamics.” Journal of Climate 37.8 (2024): 2741-2763.
Lohmann, Johannes, et al. “Multistability and intermediate tipping of the Atlantic Ocean circulation.” Science advances 10.12 (2024): eadi4253.
Vance, T. R., Abram, N. J., Criscitiello, A. S., Crockart, C. K., DeCampo, A., Favier, V., … & Vallelonga, P. T. An annually resolved chronology for the Mount Brown South ice cores, East Antarctica. Climate of the Past, (2024)